Interface SOAPFault

All Superinterfaces:
Element, Node, Node, SOAPBodyElement, SOAPElement

public interface SOAPFault extends SOAPBodyElement
An element in the SOAPBody object that contains error and/or status information. This information may relate to errors in the SOAPMessage object or to problems that are not related to the content in the message itself. Problems not related to the message itself are generally errors in processing, such as the inability to communicate with an upstream server.

Depending on the protocol specified while creating the MessageFactory instance, a SOAPFault has sub-elements as defined in the SOAP 1.1/SOAP 1.2 specification.

  • Method Details

    • setFaultCode

      void setFaultCode(Name faultCodeQName) throws SOAPException
      Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault code.

      Fault codes, which give information about the fault, are defined in the SOAP 1.1 specification. A fault code is mandatory and must be of type Name. This method provides a convenient way to set a fault code. For example,

       SOAPEnvelope se = ...;
       // Create a qualified name in the SOAP namespace with a localName
       // of "Client". Note that prefix parameter is optional and is null
       // here which causes the implementation to use an appropriate prefix.
       Name qname = se.createName("Client", null,
       SOAPFault fault = ...;
      It is preferable to use this method over setFaultCode(String).
      faultCodeQName - a Name object giving the fault code to be set. It must be namespace qualified.
      SOAPException - if there was an error in adding the faultcode element to the underlying XML tree.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.2
      See Also:
    • setFaultCode

      void setFaultCode(QName faultCodeQName) throws SOAPException
      Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault code. It is preferable to use this method over setFaultCode(Name).
      faultCodeQName - a QName object giving the fault code to be set. It must be namespace qualified.
      SOAPException - if there was an error in adding the faultcode element to the underlying XML tree.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3
      See Also:
    • setFaultCode

      void setFaultCode(String faultCode) throws SOAPException
      Sets this SOAPFault object with the give fault code.

      Fault codes, which given information about the fault, are defined in the SOAP 1.1 specification. This element is mandatory in SOAP 1.1. Because the fault code is required to be a QName it is preferable to use the setFaultCode(Name) form of this method.

      faultCode - a String giving the fault code to be set. It must be of the form "prefix:localName" where the prefix has been defined in a namespace declaration.
      SOAPException - if there was an error in adding the faultCode to the underlying XML tree.
      See Also:
    • getFaultCodeAsName

      Name getFaultCodeAsName()
      Gets the mandatory SOAP 1.1 fault code for this SOAPFault object as a SAAJ Name object. The SOAP 1.1 specification requires the value of the "faultcode" element to be of type QName. This method returns the content of the element as a QName in the form of a SAAJ Name object. This method should be used instead of the getFaultCode method since it allows applications to easily access the namespace name without additional parsing.
      a Name representing the faultcode
      1.6, SAAJ 1.2
      See Also:
    • getFaultCodeAsQName

      QName getFaultCodeAsQName()
      Gets the fault code for this SOAPFault object as a QName object.
      a QName representing the faultcode
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3
      See Also:
    • getFaultSubcodes

      Iterator<QName> getFaultSubcodes()
      Gets the Subcodes for this SOAPFault as an iterator over QNames.
      an Iterator that accesses a sequence of QNames. This Iterator should not support the optional remove method. The order in which the Subcodes are returned reflects the hierarchy of Subcodes present in the fault from top to bottom.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this message does not support the SOAP 1.2 concept of Subcode.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3
    • removeAllFaultSubcodes

      void removeAllFaultSubcodes()
      Removes any Subcodes that may be contained by this SOAPFault. Subsequent calls to getFaultSubcodes will return an empty iterator until a call to appendFaultSubcode is made.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this message does not support the SOAP 1.2 concept of Subcode.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3
    • appendFaultSubcode

      void appendFaultSubcode(QName subcode) throws SOAPException
      Adds a Subcode to the end of the sequence of Subcodes contained by this SOAPFault. Subcodes, which were introduced in SOAP 1.2, are represented by a recursive sequence of subelements rooted in the mandatory Code subelement of a SOAP Fault.
      subcode - a QName containing the Value of the Subcode.
      SOAPException - if there was an error in setting the Subcode
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this message does not support the SOAP 1.2 concept of Subcode.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3
    • getFaultCode

      String getFaultCode()
      Gets the fault code for this SOAPFault object.
      a String with the fault code
      See Also:
    • setFaultActor

      void setFaultActor(String faultActor) throws SOAPException
      Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault actor.

      The fault actor is the recipient in the message path who caused the fault to happen.

      If this SOAPFault supports SOAP 1.2 then this call is equivalent to setFaultRole(String)

      faultActor - a String identifying the actor that caused this SOAPFault object
      SOAPException - if there was an error in adding the faultActor to the underlying XML tree.
      See Also:
    • getFaultActor

      String getFaultActor()
      Gets the fault actor for this SOAPFault object.

      If this SOAPFault supports SOAP 1.2 then this call is equivalent to getFaultRole()

      a String giving the actor in the message path that caused this SOAPFault object
      See Also:
    • setFaultString

      void setFaultString(String faultString) throws SOAPException
      Sets the fault string for this SOAPFault object to the given string.

      If this SOAPFault is part of a message that supports SOAP 1.2 then this call is equivalent to:

            addFaultReasonText(faultString, Locale.getDefault());
      faultString - a String giving an explanation of the fault
      SOAPException - if there was an error in adding the faultString to the underlying XML tree.
      See Also:
    • setFaultString

      void setFaultString(String faultString, Locale locale) throws SOAPException
      Sets the fault string for this SOAPFault object to the given string and localized to the given locale.

      If this SOAPFault is part of a message that supports SOAP 1.2 then this call is equivalent to:

            addFaultReasonText(faultString, locale);
      faultString - a String giving an explanation of the fault
      locale - a Locale object indicating the native language of the faultString
      SOAPException - if there was an error in adding the faultString to the underlying XML tree.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.2
      See Also:
    • getFaultString

      String getFaultString()
      Gets the fault string for this SOAPFault object.

      If this SOAPFault is part of a message that supports SOAP 1.2 then this call is equivalent to:

          String reason = null;
          try {
              reason = (String) getFaultReasonTexts().next();
          } catch (SOAPException e) {}
          return reason;
      a String giving an explanation of the fault
      See Also:
    • getFaultStringLocale

      Locale getFaultStringLocale()
      Gets the locale of the fault string for this SOAPFault object.

      If this SOAPFault is part of a message that supports SOAP 1.2 then this call is equivalent to:

          Locale locale = null;
          try {
              locale = (Locale) getFaultReasonLocales().next();
          } catch (SOAPException e) {}
          return locale;
      a Locale object indicating the native language of the fault string or null if no locale was specified
      1.6, SAAJ 1.2
      See Also:
    • hasDetail

      boolean hasDetail()
      Returns true if this SOAPFault has a Detail subelement and false otherwise. Equivalent to (getDetail()!=null).
      true if this SOAPFault has a Detail subelement and false otherwise.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3
    • getDetail

      Detail getDetail()
      Returns the optional detail element for this SOAPFault object.

      A Detail object carries application-specific error information, the scope of the error information is restricted to faults in the SOAPBodyElement objects if this is a SOAP 1.1 Fault.

      a Detail object with application-specific error information if present, null otherwise
    • addDetail

      Detail addDetail() throws SOAPException
      Creates an optional Detail object and sets it as the Detail object for this SOAPFault object.

      It is illegal to add a detail when the fault already contains a detail. Therefore, this method should be called only after the existing detail has been removed.

      the new Detail object
      SOAPException - if this SOAPFault object already contains a valid Detail object
    • getFaultReasonLocales

      Iterator<Locale> getFaultReasonLocales() throws SOAPException
      Returns an Iterator over a distinct sequence of Locales for which there are associated Reason Text items. Any of these Locales can be used in a call to getFaultReasonText in order to obtain a localized version of the Reason Text string.
      an Iterator over a sequence of Locale objects for which there are associated Reason Text items.
      SOAPException - if there was an error in retrieving the fault Reason locales.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this message does not support the SOAP 1.2 concept of Fault Reason.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3
    • getFaultReasonTexts

      Iterator<String> getFaultReasonTexts() throws SOAPException
      Returns an Iterator over a sequence of String objects containing all of the Reason Text items for this SOAPFault.
      an Iterator over env:Fault/env:Reason/env:Text items.
      SOAPException - if there was an error in retrieving the fault Reason texts.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this message does not support the SOAP 1.2 concept of Fault Reason.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3
    • getFaultReasonText

      String getFaultReasonText(Locale locale) throws SOAPException
      Returns the Reason Text associated with the given Locale. If more than one such Reason Text exists the first matching Text is returned
      locale - -- the Locale for which a localized Reason Text is desired
      the Reason Text associated with locale
      SOAPException - if there was an error in retrieving the fault Reason text for the specified locale .
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this message does not support the SOAP 1.2 concept of Fault Reason.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3
      See Also:
    • addFaultReasonText

      void addFaultReasonText(String text, Locale locale) throws SOAPException
      Appends or replaces a Reason Text item containing the specified text message and an xml:lang derived from locale. If a Reason Text item with this xml:lang already exists its text value will be replaced with text. The locale parameter should not be null

      Code sample:

       SOAPFault fault = ...;
       fault.addFaultReasonText("Version Mismatch", Locale.ENGLISH);
      text - -- reason message string
      locale - -- Locale object representing the locale of the message
      SOAPException - if there was an error in adding the Reason text or the locale passed was null.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this message does not support the SOAP 1.2 concept of Fault Reason.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3
    • getFaultNode

      String getFaultNode()
      Returns the optional Node element value for this SOAPFault object. The Node element is optional in SOAP 1.2.
      Content of the env:Fault/env:Node element as a String or null if none
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this message does not support the SOAP 1.2 concept of Fault Node.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3
    • setFaultNode

      void setFaultNode(String uri) throws SOAPException
      Creates or replaces any existing Node element value for this SOAPFault object. The Node element is optional in SOAP 1.2.
      uri - the URI of the Node
      SOAPException - if there was an error in setting the Node for this SOAPFault object.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this message does not support the SOAP 1.2 concept of Fault Node.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3
    • getFaultRole

      String getFaultRole()
      Returns the optional Role element value for this SOAPFault object. The Role element is optional in SOAP 1.2.
      Content of the env:Fault/env:Role element as a String or null if none
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this message does not support the SOAP 1.2 concept of Fault Role.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3
    • setFaultRole

      void setFaultRole(String uri) throws SOAPException
      Creates or replaces any existing Role element value for this SOAPFault object. The Role element is optional in SOAP 1.2.
      uri - the URI of the Role
      SOAPException - if there was an error in setting the Role for this SOAPFault object.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this message does not support the SOAP 1.2 concept of Fault Role.
      1.6, SAAJ 1.3